This fall, your generosity is both inspiring people and providing a helping hand for neighbors just like Casey at a time of critical need.

We met Casey and her grandmother, Rachel, on a recent visit to a Food Bank Mobile Pantry. Casey lives with her younger sister, who is a full-time college student and works as an EMT. The sisters currently live in a FEMA-provided trailer, which is dependent on a generator for electricity.
Casey says the sisters' bills have skyrocketed and with rising food costs it has become increasingly difficult to afford groceries."
That’s why Casey is so grateful she can visit the Mobile Pantry to help fill the gap in her budget, especially while prices are soaring.
“We are thankful for any help we can get,” Casey says.
Casey currently serves as a universal donor and gives blood often, and she’s so inspired by your support that she is looking for additional ways to give back to our community and pay your kindness forward.
Thousands of neighbors just like Casey can put nutritious food on the table this fall because you choose to give. Thank you for your ongoing and vital partnership.