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Thank You for 40 Years of Support!

Writer's picture: wfafbwfafb

A short history of the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank might read something like, “In the early 1980s volunteers for organizations serving the poor in Wichita Falls wanted to centralize food procurement for hunger relief,” but our story has always been more than that.

You’ve Fed Local North Texans In Need

We were built on the hard work and dedication of just a few volunteers, in a borrowed warehouse, distributing food to just three North Texas Counties.

These volunteers, coupled with support from the Community Action Corporation, created the Wichita Falls Area Food Bank in January of 1982, which at the time was only the sixth food bank in Texas!

In just over one year we were moving to our current location at 1230 Midwestern Pkwy, sponsored by the University Kiwanis Club.

With our roots planted we could focus on growing our operations to feed even more communities in North Texas. We had several expansions to our warehouse in the years 1995, 2000, and 2010, as we increased our service area from three counties to 12. With this growth, we were also able to add new services including Nutrition Education, Child Hunger services, and a Mobile Pantry.

Our vision is hunger-free communities, and with supporters like you, no goal is insurmountable. As we look forward to another 40 years, we know our community will take care of its own.



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WICHITA FALLS AREA FOOD BANK  1230 Midwestern Parkway Wichita Falls, TX 76302

940-766-2322          M-F 8am-5pm

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Copyright © 2024 Wichita Falls Area Food Bank. All Rights Reserved. The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank believes in conducting business with the utmost honesty and integrity. Lighthouse Services allows the Food Bank to uphold these principles by acting as a tool for community members, including Food Bank staff, to submit confidential reports, suggestions, or complaints to a third party who helps Food Bank administration resolve issues while maintaining professional standards. The Wichita Falls Area Food Bank is a non-profit and a tax-exempt 501(c)(3). WFAFB abides by the USDA Nondiscrimination Statement - Please find the full statement here.

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