We met Judy, 77, and Daniel, 81 at the Food Bank’s Mobile Pantry in Electra. Before retiring and moving to Electra, the couple lived in New Mexico where Daniel worked for Texaco and Judy was a math and physics teacher.
“I appreciate you so much.”

Like a lot of us do when our parents are aging, Judy and Daniel moved closer to their parents to help care for them...and they’ve stayed in Electra ever since. They’ve had their own ups and downs over the years. Daniel has been cancer-free for eight years, but still has trouble with his heart. Judy recently had major spine surgery.
Now that the couple lives on a fixed Social Security income and have added health expenses, it’s sometimes difficult to afford groceries — especially nutritious items like fresh produce.
Thanks to partners like you, Judy and Daniel can turn to the Mobile Pantry whenever they need to.
“It all helps,” Judy says of the food they receive.
Thank you for making sure each and every one of our neighbors has enough nutritious food at this special time of year.
“I appreciate you so much,” Daniel says to friends like you.