When Aracely returns home from the Family Life & Mission Center food pantry, she always waits to unpack the many bags of nutritious food until her daughter, Jacqueline, 16, and son, Mijoel, 13, come home from school.
“They like going through it and rummaging,” Aracely shares, laughing. “They pick out what they like and say, this is mine, this is mine!’”

Like so many parents, Aracely loves to see her children happy. That’s why she’s so relieved to have friends like you to ensure that she can rely on the Family Life & Mission Center, a partner agency of the Food Bank.
Aracely’s husband spends long hours working on a dairy farm, while her adult daughter, Mariana, works part-time to help with expenses. With five family members in the household, the income just isn’t enough to cover healthy food for everyone.
Aracely is especially thankful for your partnership, which means her children can happily pick their favorite healthy foods out of the grocery bags she brings home from the pantry.
“[It’s] a real help for my family,” Aracely says gratefully.
Thank you for donating so generously to ensure that our neighbor Aracely has the food needed to make balanced meals for her family this fall!