Dotti Lesieur may be retired from her career in sales, but she says she’s moved on to a new career: volunteering.
“There’s a need,” Dotti says of her motivation to begin volunteering with the Food Bank. “There’s a big need.”

Since retirement, Dotti says she’s become a “professional volunteer” by spending her time serving at various nonprofits in the community — including the Food Bank each Wednesday.
“I had two hands and said, ‘I’ll go do that,’” she says humbly of her choice to give so much of her time.
“There is a need. There is a big need.”
Each Wednesday, Dotti shows up at the Food Bank ready to help in whatever way is most needed that week. She says she most enjoys the people she works with.
Dotti encourages everyone to consider volunteering with the Food Bank, noting the necessity of the work that gets done.
“You’re being a help,” she says of volunteering. “You’re helping some other people that are in need.”
Thank you, Dottie, for setting aside time each week to help your neighbors who are facing hunger. You’re an inspiration!